Tomatoes and Avocados Extraordinary Marriage


One of my favorite snack meals is that of eating tomatoes and avocados together. Whether on Ezekiel bread, with whole grain pita bread, or by itself with a big scoop of fresh raw hummus. I just love the combination. It’s not just because it tastes good though. The nutritional value of the combination far exceeds the nutritional value of the two when eaten separately. Here are the reasons why.

Tomatoes are rich in lycopene. Lycopene is an antioxidant known as a carotenoid. This carotenoid reduces cancer risk and cardiovascular disease. Here is where the avocado comes in. Avocados provide healthy ‘fats’.

These fats make carotenoids more bio-available. This is why the lycopene in tomato sauces like what you would put on pasta is better absorbed when there is some fat available like that of virgin olive oil which provides a healthy fat source when not cooked. I drizzle olive oil over everything, including tomatoes and avocados. Give it a try next time you are feeling like you want to dig into a tomato and avocado, whether it is on a salad or a sandwich.

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